Paver projects: new patios, or natural walkways, click on pic to enhance
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A newer product intro from Uni-lock, and I like it!Have dealt with and seen many a faux stone product over ...
Native sumac family: three season plant, and offers up a delicious tea as well!
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Fruit of sumac: fun huh? AND you can make a healthy natural tea! A common, and native species, easy to ...
What’s in bloom: Fall is the time for Aconitum (Monkshood)
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A very weird time to bloom, and yet….there in the last gasp of the woodland beds lies this sprawling curiousity: ...
Late October fall colors: Asst’d maples
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Fall colors on the slow growing but interestingPaperbark maple (Acer gris.) Green lacy foliage in summer, turning a to a ...
Late summer color of the Goldenrods
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Zig zag goldenrod is a high quality native that thrives in shade, and prefers upland , mesic soils in woodlands ...
A (rare) walk in the Primary forests of Porcupine Mountains Mi. (the U.P.)
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OLD GROWTH FORESTS of Michigan: Hard to believe White Pine (P. strobus) and Canadian Hemock (T. canadandensis) can attain girth age, and ...
Whats in bloom: Native Downy Sunflower (Helianthus moll.)
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This late season prairie plant has downy grey-green foliage, and tends to colonize over time. Bloom time is late summer, ...
What’s in bloom: Showy Ladies Slipper Orchid
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Wow! What a treat, and a rare sight!!! Found rarely in most states today- considered rare and endangered in most ...
Landscape evolution in Oak Brook Il , new birch grove (Betula ‘Renaissance Reflection)
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As we progress- keep an eye on the blog to see things progress: a grove of White birch (betula) called ...
Whats in bloom: native Prairie coneflower (Echinachea pal.)
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Prefers dry sunny soils, a real eye-catcher! Good for pollinators, and song birds. Will freely re-seed if left alone, no ...